We won the Competition and will receive support from the Potanin Foundation for organizational development – a grant of 1,000,000 rubles!!!
Now we have important work to do.
Thanks to the New Dimension competition, we were able to maintain the key team and basic programs of targeted, material and systemic assistance to children with SMDD, increased the number of Portage teams from 15 to 25 in 6 regions, and plan to train new specialists and form new teams so that, as a result, social support and development of life skills for children with SMDD has become step by step.
At this stage of development, we want to involve experts in strategic development, analyze the current business processes of the fund and the main Charitable program of systemic assistance “Innovation Projects” and develop a development strategy taking into account the changed conditions. In order to scale a system assistance project in terms of resource optimization, we need to think over the business model of operation, maintenance and scaling.
To do this, the Foundation needs the professional support of a strategist, sociologist, marketer, NGO development consultant and others.
We are proud that we carry out our development with grant funds, and we direct every online donation directly to help children!
Source https://www.fondpotanin.ru/press/news/fond-potanina-podvel-itogi-ii-tsikla-konkursa-dlya-pobediteley-antikrizisnykh-initsiativ-/