Camille is 15 years old and has a rare disease – spinal muscular atrophy type 2. More than 70% of people with this diagnosis live to the age of 25 and have the ability to sit without support. But Camille can’t sit still. She does not move independently, ordinary food is poorly absorbed, and she does not gain weight. Her weight is now 18 kg.
When Camilla’s mother was alive, she took the girl out into the street, spent all the time taking care of her, talked a lot with her, and taught her a lot. Now the grandmother, aunt and social services have exhausted the resources of state assistance to the child to the maximum for this year, and no one knows whether assistance will be provided on petitions next year. There are too many applications. In such cases, when help is needed now, we turn to philanthropists.
Specialized nutrition can help Camille. And she also needs an anti-decubitus mattress to stop the deformation of the skeleton, and a special electric bed, hygiene products.
Now Camilla is under the care of her own grandmother. The grandmother cannot maintain the correct positioning of the child’s body, as this is simply not possible on a regular sofa. Because of the immobility, the girl develops bedsores, severe contractures and serious skeletal deformities, such that doctors do not recommend now to put her on a chair. There is no functional bed. The girl really needs a special bed, an anti-decubitus mattress and, most importantly, specialized nutrition. Hygiene products are needed to facilitate care, as Camille’s entire life is spent in bed so far. The grandmother’s pension and the allowance for a disabled child are not enough for this.
We know that such children, on specialized nutrition and with proper care, really gain weight, and when they get stronger, they begin to do many things on their own.
We are launching a fundraiser to help Camilla get the right care, the right equipment, and the right nutrition for her.
She is a very smart girl, she understands everything, feels, is glad for attention and is grateful. Together we can help Camille gain weight and live a better life.
Together with a new partner, we opened a fundraiser for Camilla