We are pleased to share the results of the Diema’s Dream work in 2021. The Reports section contains the Annual Report 2021. In it you will find not only a description of the activities in the past year and a photo report, but also a report on income and expenses and analytical data for the last 15 years of work.
The public annual report allows you to see the whole picture of our foundation’s activities.
We are happy to tell about the successes of children, the results of treatment and rehabilitation, about the invaluable help of our philanthropists and partners. Without everyone who makes a donation to our foundation, all these successes would not be possible.
Of course, it is impossible to convey all the success stories in one report. The life of every child is a separate big and deep story. And it is impossible to convey those tears of joy, smiles and laughter, surprise and inspiration that accompany us every day at work. But rest assured, miracles happen every day. And we want this to continue, so that our children always have support and timely assistance. We tried to include the brightest moments in the report. Thanks to everyone who helps!