Dear readers! We sincerely thank you for supporting our classes based on the ‘Portage Project’ and we want to share the results of this year!
We continued to fund training on methodology “Portage” in Elatomsky orphanage from May to December, where five experts held 2664 classes with eighteen children.
Thanks to these studies, it has resulted in the development of skills in areas of motion, self-service, knowledge, language and socialisation among the children. These include:
- How to wash, dress, comb their hair etc.
• Eat and drink,
• Crawl, lie on their stomach, sit, roll over, stand or walk
• Collect designs and puzzles, string beads, paint, cut, make applications, to distinguish between colors, animals and learn different themes, consider looking at books,
• Match sounds for objects, actions, desires, formation and development of speech,
• Communicate and play with each other as well as with adults, get acquainted with the world – they leave their rooms, they begin to walk on the street, etc.
Thus, Roma K. who only participated in the project for a month proved amazing milestones: he began to respond to his name, although before that he couldn’t; he began to respond to greetings, holding an adult’s hand; could turn at times several pages of the book; Iearned to pick up blocks, which were similar – and this is not the easiest skill! Moreover, Roma was able to quickly master the ability to reach into the sleeves of clothing, stretching his legs to fit pants on, sit on a chair, and even push them with the help of the tutor. The boy has symptoms of muscular dystonia, and because of this, he needs the help of an adult in many activities.
Additionally, Andrei G. has shown recent success in achieving complex skills such as using scissors while with an adult; he learned at the request of an adult to put an object on the table, on or underneath it; he learned to avoid dangerous objects; proved that some toys could make sounds; with a small reminder to blow his nose into a handkerchief; He now knows very well a few colours and accurately selects items of these colours.
We cordially thank you for your support of these children – without you, their development would not be possible! We wish you health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year!
Stay tuned, please continue making donations and telling your friends about us because it gives our children an opportunity to develop – this is the best gift! Next year, we plan to continue the Portage Project and help spread what was taught in Elatma to other institutions and regions – we need your support!
If interested in hearing other successful stories or would like to contribute towards one happening, click here;