On April 22, Tony Watkins gathered guests at the Russian Song Theater in support of the Diema’s Dream Fund. And invited more than 300 children-wards.
The theater has a total of 1000 seats and most of it was full of friends and fund partners. If only it was possible to introduce all the children who were helped by the DREAMS show, it would take 3 (THREE) SUCH THEATERS, because the funds collected by the partners were directed to help the children’s orthopedic department, where more than 3,000 children are treated per year infantile cerebral palsy. Here on rehabilitation come children from all over Russia, including from children’s homes. The funds are also directed to the verticalization of orphans with severe and multiple developmental disabilities.
We still expect some donations and have already begun to provide assistance. Soon we will be happy to share the results!
It was a unique event at the highest level! Thanks, Tony Watkins, Avril Conroy, Danil Fedorishin, Oleg Tutov, Natalya Shtrombakh, Nataliya Tutova, Maria Watkins, Stephen Ansell, Elena Biletskaya, Kirill Ershov, Igor Narkhov and partners!
- Gold partners of the “Dimina Mechta” Foundation
Tony Watkins, Avril Conroy, Ninos, Alexey Sokolov, Noel Quinn,
- Silver partners of the Diema’s Dream Foundation
UFG Assett Management, Clifford Chance
- Bronze partners of the Diema’s Dream Foundation
Coca Cola Hellenic, 101XP, International School of Moscow, McDonalds, Stephen Ansell (Hyatt), Jean Francois Durand (Hyatt), Reira Simonyan,
And also Lars Himmer, Kevin Conroy, David Owens, Patrick Neath (Hilton) and the Show Preparation Team: Electronic Arts Company, ISM International School in Moscow, Tony & Smokebrealers Group, MESTRO band, DREAMS Orchestra, Cosplay Team and Ubisoft, Lericu, Elena Beletskaya, Oleg Tutov’s technical support and his team, for organizing the event Danila Fedorishina!!!