One of the wards of the Foundation, Timofey T., underwent another course of rehabilitation at Doctor Myshlyaev’s Clinic LLC (Rehabilitation Center “Born Again”), Nizhny Novgorod.
Timofey T., born in 2011, required: a course of rehabilitation at Doctor Myshlyaev’s Clinic LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, costing 206,900 rubles .
Diagnosis: Atypical autism. Mental retardation with autistic manifestations, motor alalia, attention deficit disorder.
During the course of rehabilitation, Timofey received the following medical services :
- Kinesiotherapy, 2 sessions;
- Group lessons with a psychologist, 51 lessons;
- Group lessons with a speech therapist, 51 lessons;
- Individual lessons in therapeutic physical culture (LFK), 75 lessons;
- Reception, diagnostic examinations and consultations based on the results of rehabilitation of doctors – speech therapist, neurologist and psychiatrist.
The results of the course of treatment: speech appeared, motor skills improved. Timofey became more assiduous, a cognitive interest appeared.
We want to share with you the impressions of Timofey’s mother from the past rehabilitation course and the results achieved. A few lines from my mother’s letter:
“Our whole family expresses its deep gratitude to the Dima’s Dream Charitable Foundation and all the kind hearts who helped my son undergo a rehabilitation course at the Clinic of Dr. Myshlyaev. Only thanks to you a miracle happened. We have been waiting for this for 10 years and only thanks to you Timofey spoke!
While he says few words and often only repeats. But this is a huge victory over the insidious word “Autism”. The first time I heard “Mom”. And for me this is the biggest miracle. While he only says a few words mom, dad, give, baba, Tim, yes, no. We understand that we still have a lot of work and rehabilitation to do. Now we are at the start, so there will be a finish line!
After the course, Timofey became more conscious, a cognitive interest appeared. Timothy began to explore the world. Now he is interested in everything. Now he is not just manipulating objects. And his actions are logical. He doesn’t just click with scissors, but cuts a circle out of the curtain and makes an impromptu airplane out of this scrap. There was a small role-playing game to hide an object from me, and when I ask to find it and we start looking together, he finds it and brings it to me with such enthusiasm so that I praise him. Timofey shows great interest in cooking, it became interesting what would happen if milk soup was added, why the knife cuts only on one side, and what would happen if pasta was thrown into cold water. On the one hand, this may show just hooliganism, but we are glad that he is showing interest. Now he can cook dumplings for himself, he knows when to throw, how much to salt and how to set the timer when they boil. He is learning to peel vegetables, though his attention is still not enough for a long time.
Improved motor skills, began to write better. But with the advent of cognitive interest perseverance. Since the educational material assimilates in full, this does not greatly interfere with his studies. Teachers have adapted and simply change the type of activity more often, fine motor skills and hand control have improved. Can play finger games and enjoys playing patties. Repeats the movement after me. The wushu coach notes an improvement in coordination, more clearly directed movements, has learned to jump on one leg, can simultaneously perform the movement of the arm and leg. All movements are repeated after the coach, and he has already been taken into the general group. He began to dance a little, repeats the elements of movement after me, laughs and shows an emotional response. When he succeeds, he smiles and shows that he is happy in the classroom and began to ask for praise from teachers. Will do the task and watch, waiting for him to be praised. I got into yoga with me.
For us, this is a huge progress, let him be a hooligan, but he is developing, and this is the most important thing!
Thanks to transfers using bank cards, a QR code posted on the Foundation’s brochures and posters, as well as cash collected using donation boxes installed at BP and Rosneft gas stations, in the Fitness One sports club chain and the Pride fitness club Club, we managed to collect all the necessary amount.
Dear benefactors, we would like to thank you for your help and participation in the lives of children with special needs!
Thanks to everyone who took a step towards Timofey T.!
You can get acquainted with the full story of Timofey T. by clicking on the link: Paid for a rehabilitation course for Timofey T., born in 2011, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan – Diema’s Dream Charitable Foundation (
Thanks to your help, we helped Timofey T., but many more children are waiting for your help here