Required: Treatment and rehabilitation at «Academic» LLC in Moscow, RUB 114 170.00.
Diagnosis: Consequences of meningoencephalitis, symptomatic focal epilepsy, infantile spasm syndrome, hypotonic astatic syndrome, delayed speech development, convergent squint, nystagmus.
Expectations after the rehabilitation: the child’s sight will be partially restored, there will be a chance to overcome daily epileptic seizures.
From her mother’s letter:
«Our daughter is 5 years old, and she was a healthy and happy child until she turned six months old. On the evening of 11 August 2015, Lera had a fever and was taken by ambulance from one hospital to another, nobody knew what was wrong. Lera spent about a week in intensive care after she was finally diagnosed with meningoencephalitis. Her condition was stable, and the infection was overcome. On the same day I began to play with her our usual games and gave her favorite toys and realized that she could not see me or anything around her. We were discharged on 4 September 2015 with a diagnosis of meningoencephalitis, anemia of the 1st degree as a complication, descending atrophy of the optic nerves in both eyes, hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome, secondary immunodeficiency.
It is my life goal now to make my child see again. I want my lovely daughter to see the beauty around her, to feel happy and to smile. To be able to see swirls on a frosty window, a bird in the sky, her mom and dad and her lovely sister. I want her to have a chance of leading a normal life of a healthy child.
This year in June we underwent a check-up and there were some improvements. Lera was prescribed glasses for the first time, which gives me hope. And most importantly, there is the possibility of partial restoration of her sight during the treatment which will help restore the sight.
Four years have passed since our treatment, Lera could not see anything right after her illness, she was like a frightened animal sitting in one place afraid of everything. Now, after several courses of treatment, she is a very cheerful girl, she loves singing and dancing. Not so long ago, she saw a tree on the street, a car, some people standing nearby. She can see objects at a distance of 15-20 cm from the face. These are the happiest moments in our family.
We desperately need your help! Our financial situation is getting worse. We can’t afford the treatment now, but my girl needs to be saved! All money I have I spend on rent, food and mostly on very expensive medications my daughter requires. »
In case the funds raised for a particular child exceed the required amount, the balance shall be used to cover treatments for other children and other expenses associated with the present program (Clause 1.6.3 of the “Regulations of the charity program of targeted help “Shag Navstrechu” (Take a Step).