On the 31st of August, the Kimovsk Orphanage hosted a graduation party for the young adults of the orphanage who are leaving school to enter a higher tier of education and professional study.
Now it seems almost as if time flied as now they are leaving the place they called ‘home’ since that is where they grew up, where the headmaster and teachers took on the roles of their parents.
Can it really be possible that as soon as a person turns 18, they automatically become an adult? An adult who can provide for themselves, is able to solve their current issues independently and look to the future confidently? Theoretically speaking we would like every person to be able to do this. Usually parents continue to help and support their grown-up students at least partially after hitting the mark of eighteen. Although our wards do not have typical parents, instead they have us. So for a year now, Diema’s Dream Fund who with help from philanthropists, has been leading the graduates of the orphanage on to the ‘road of independent life’.
Hence, this year thanks to the support of Olga Savelieva, the initiative group of the IKEA company and Johan Nilsson, the children received everything they needed for independent living; blankets, pillows, bed linen, sets of pots, plates and other kitchen utensils, detergenthttp, ironing boards and much more. We are very happy to thank those mentioned above for their support and we are looking forward to working together again!
We would also like to personally thank RENAULT RUSSIA for the car they provided for the delivery of the products as well as the ‘All Together’ association since the deliveries made were 250 km from Moscow, a feat which would have been impossible to do if it were not for them.