Required: rehabilitation course in the medical center “Sakura”, Chelyabinsk, worth 279,000 rubles.
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, hip joint contracture, twisted pelvis, shortening of the right lower limb.
From her mom’s letter: “Yulia was born prematurely, and when she was two months old she got a shot of DTP vaccine, which severely undermined her health. At one Yulia was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and since then we’ve been spending all our money on her rehabilitation. Over the last two years we’ve been in and out of the rehabilitation center Sakura for short treatment courses – and they’ve always produced great results. But my daughter is growing older – we’re losing precious time, and I can’t help my child.
We still have a lot to learn. It would be great to see Yulia hold balance and stand on her feet for at least a few seconds. We certainly do a lot at home, but with every passing year it gets more and more difficult for me to support and guide Yulia – I still need to help her adapt, attend to herself and be ambulant. I’m asking all those who have empathy – please, help us pay for the rehabilitation course!”